Dhirendra Mahyavanshi
Founder, Turtlemint
November 26, 2019
Reading Time: 3 minutes As financial planners, we assert the importance of having adequate medical insurance all the time. While having a basic cover is essential, there are a lot of added benefits that health policies have now started providing which can help save a lot of money for your clients. Maternity benefits are one such type. Read on to understand how this coverage works, and advise your client in a smarter way.
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Dhirendra Mahyavanshi
Founder, Turtlemint
September 17, 2019
Reading Time: 4 minutes Imagine this: You had a 3 sentence conversation with your client where you discussed a benefit that the law provides to the citizens with them and got them to act on it and take advantage of the same. A few years down the line the client unfortunately passed away and at the time of his death had a huge business loan on outstanding to his name. That 3 sentence conversation made sure that his wife and kids did not have to worry about their livelihood source(the insurance claim money) being snatched away from them. Now imagine the relief you provided to the family of this client and the satisfaction you felt doing so. Read on to understand the benefits provided under the Married Women’s Property Act in an article penned by Dhirendra Mahyavanshi and make this difference to your clients’ life today.
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