Network FP Thinktank

Network FP Thinktank is an Online Professional Journal by Network FP wherein we share the articles written by top-class financial advisors and industry thought leaders from across India and the world.

How to Acquire Clients through Email Marketing?

Jigar Parekh
Director at Anchoredge
March 26, 2019

Reading Time: 2 minutes Acquiring more clients! This is always one of the top goals for any advisor. So how does one become a prospecting machine? How do you acquire more clients without cold calls? We have often heard about Email Marketing, but how do you put it into practice? Read this article by Jigar Parekh who has given 3 simple steps on how to acquire clients through Email Marketing.

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The KRIS Model – A Rapport and Influence Building System – Part II

Jigar Parekh
Director at Anchoredge
July 28, 2016

Reading Time: 6 minutes In first part of The KRIS© Model, we understood categorizing the clients in four different categories based on their behavior. We also discussed the first two steps out of the three steps on KRIS© system. Read the below to find out how an advisors should flex his/her behavior dealing with different personality types, applying the KRIS© formula of Jigar Parekh!

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The KRIS Model – A Rapport and Influence Building System

Jigar Parekh
Director at Anchoredge
July 26, 2016

Reading Time: 7 minutes Jigar Parekh is the Head-Training at Prudent CAS Ltd. Jigar did his Masters in Finance and is a CFP by profession. He has more than 10 years of experience in the industry. He believes that the role of financial planner in the life of his/her client is more of friend, philosopher and guide rather than just creating the plan. The actual job of a financial planner only begins once the plan is prepared and implemented.

The most important quality of any successful financial advisor is always the effective communication. And to effectively communicate we must realize that we are all different in the way we perceive the world and use that understanding as a guide to our communication to others. We all human beings are same yet different. Read the below article to find out how one can make such difficulty an opportunity by applying the KRIS Formula of Jigar Parekh !

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Krishna Impact – The Easiest Way to Communicate the Importance of Hiring an Advisor

Jigar Parekh
Director at Anchoredge
March 17, 2015

Reading Time: 7 minutes Story telling is known to be one of the most effective way to grab attention, engage your audience and convey difficult messages. The Alpha added by Advisers is not something that many investors get easily. To help the investors come out of this ‘Unknown’ situation, Advisers can leverage classical stories and engage prospects on how they can better win the money game, with the right adviser on their side.

The best players in the world need a coach. So why not you, Mr. Investor? Let’s go explain this to our clients with the Krishna Impact

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