Kalpesh Ashar
Founder, Full Circle Financial Planners & Advisors
February 8, 2022
Reading Time: 4 minutes Times have changed and today both the partners i.e the husband and wife are responsible for the family’s finances in their day-to-day life and in planning for their future financial goals as well. It is very important to understand that in today’s time, there are lots of FINANCIAL expectations a couple has from each other […]
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Kalpesh Ashar
Founder, Full Circle Financial Planners & Advisors
June 1, 2021
Reading Time: 6 minutes “Tujhse naaraz nahi zindagi, hairaan hoon main… …Tere masoom sawaalon se pareshan hoon main”… These relevant lines from the evergreen song always resonate with personal finance professionals whenever there is an investor grievance/complaint, don’t they? Investment advisory is about a lot more than merely telling people what to do with their money. In fact, […]
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Kalpesh Ashar
Founder, Full Circle Financial Planners & Advisors
May 16, 2019
Reading Time: 3 minutes “Love at first sight”, “the first impression is the last impression”…. why is there so much importance given to the first interaction? The reason is that it forms a base for how the other person perceives us, how we communicate with them in direct and indirect ways what we know, what we want, what we can offer and who exactly we are. Kalpesh Asher shares with us a concise but powerful checklist of dos and don’ts for us to keep a regular check on our communication skills. So, go ahead, take a print, and put this up next to your to-do list and see the results yourself.
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Kalpesh Ashar
Founder, Full Circle Financial Planners & Advisors
June 21, 2018
Reading Time: 3 minutes Most of us keep thinking on ‘How to convey the value proposition of advisory services to our clients’ and keep looking for external resources to do so, while at times the actual resource might be within us. Here’s a simple and interesting article ‘Satyam Saralam Spashtam’ by our ProMember Mr. Kalpesh Ashar with his Bollywood tadka to it!
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