Network FP Thinktank

Network FP Thinktank is an Online Professional Journal by Network FP wherein we share the articles written by top-class financial advisors and industry thought leaders from across India and the world.

How to Conceptualize & Conduct an Investor Awareness Program

Kanak Jain
November 6, 2014

Reading Time: 3 minutes Consumers celebrate when they buy house and car but often lack a financial goal. Advisers find that conveying financial messages is always difficult. Kanak Jain. CEO Suskan Consultants Pvt Ltd, Founder – shares his experience, asks to use investor awareness programs and financial games to reach out and suggests that in the superior equity growth that is likely to come, the one thing which will strongly define the next ten years of our life is the input we put in next two to three years. “It’s time to gear up for new ventures, market and strategy. Just one mission, one vision and that is moving towards the collective good, Kanak says.

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REFRAME, REFRAME and REFRAME – Happy Independence Day!

Kanak Jain
August 15, 2013

Reading Time: 5 minutes Everything is the outcome of an idea. Say, if you were to look around and observe for a moment you’d be more aware that everything is the result of an idea. Talking about ideas is easy, coming out with an idea is even easier. Everything is easy in fact. Its all in the mind. We need to simply do one thing and that is… REFRAME , REFRAME and REFRAME. All ideas are a result of fantastic re-framing.

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