Network FP Thinktank

Network FP Thinktank is an Online Professional Journal by Network FP wherein we share the articles written by top-class financial advisors and industry thought leaders from across India and the world.

Technology will improve planning process, but can never replace Financial Planners!

Michael Kitces
Head of Planning Strategy, Buckingham Wealth Partners
June 18, 2012

Reading Time: 7 minutes In past few years… there have been many websites, technology platforms and softwares which are promising investors (who are our clients and prospects) to help them manage their money on their own and generate & monitor their own financial plans. Will this mean the financial planners will be replaced by technology solutions as and how they get more advanced and clients become accustomed to these solutions?

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In future, the best firms won’t find new clients; the new clients will find them!

Michael Kitces
Head of Planning Strategy, Buckingham Wealth Partners
May 21, 2012

Reading Time: 5 minutes As the financial planning world continues its journey into the digital age, marketing and growing a financial planning practice faces new challenges. Some firms suffer as traditional methods no longer work the way they once did, while others struggle to implement new strategies like blogging and social media without any clear strategy or understanding of how to do it successfully. In this scenario how to capitalize on the world of the future where you don’t find the clients, but the clients find you.

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Change the boring data gathering meeting into an enjoyable experience

Michael Kitces
Head of Planning Strategy, Buckingham Wealth Partners
March 13, 2012

Reading Time: 7 minutes Data Gathering Meeting certainly is not something that most clients would describe as a positive or enjoyable experience. So what would it take to re-formulate the entire data gathering interaction, to change it from a planner-centric process into a client-centric positive experience?

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Does Financial Planning Software Improve or Destroy Productivity?

Michael Kitces
Head of Planning Strategy, Buckingham Wealth Partners
February 9, 2012

Reading Time: 5 minutes The financial planning planning process drags out, taking hours and hours to create a plan and many weeks to deliver the recommendations to clients. But when did the complexity of financial planning software begin to drive the planning process, instead of being a tool to expedite it? Has our financial planning software become the enemy that’s ruining our productivity, instead of improving it?… by Michael Kitces

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