Network FP Thinktank

Network FP Thinktank is an Online Professional Journal by Network FP wherein we share the articles written by top-class financial advisors and industry thought leaders from across India and the world.

Planning for Education abroad in 2020: A new perspective

Prashant Ajmera
Immigration Lawyer, Ajmera Law
November 5, 2019

Reading Time: 5 minutes This month, we are trying to create more awareness and expand the knowledge base in the field of planning for and advising NRI clients. This week’s article by Mr. Prashant Ajmera is on a topic that we often counter, but seldom consider as an investing or advising opportunity. Migrate from the home country is on high priority for a lot of our clients. How many of us have actually advised out clients on how to go about this in unconventional ways? Read on to open up new horizons in advising such clients

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