Network FP Thinktank

Network FP Thinktank is an Online Professional Journal by Network FP wherein we share the articles written by top-class financial advisors and industry thought leaders from across India and the world.

A take on: Women & Money

Shweta Jain
Founder, Investography
October 25, 2019

Reading Time: 3 minutes There is nothing today that a woman can’t do. She has proved that she can do whatever she sets her mind to and do it with finesse. Why still, do we see that some women are apprehensive when it comes to handling money and making financial decisions? There is definitely not any lack of ability. So what is it? This week we have someone who speaks to women from all walks of like across age groups and backgrounds. She has come to develop a deep understanding on the dynamic that women share with money. Shweta Jain explains this to us and this should help us serve our women clients and understand women around us when it comes to their financial habits better.

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