Sujata Kabraji
Independant Financial Advisor
April 14, 2020
Reading Time: 3 minutes How many times have we heard or said to ourselves that we must never say no to business that comes to us? It’s part of our work ethic to always accept business, and not say no. But we often see situations when this business ends up draining our energy, productivity and sometimes the morale to work too. The reasons for this may be different, but it basically means you are not achieving what is intended out of the business. Today, Ms. Sujata Kabraji talks to us about saying “no” to business- why and when should we do that? By sharing a personal experience, she tells us that it’s okay to sometimes say NO…
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Sujata Kabraji
Independant Financial Advisor
November 22, 2019
Reading Time: 3 minutes Today’s topic is about something we dread but cannot avoid- AMFI Due diligence and compliance! If the thought of this exercise gives you he chills, you have come to the correct place. Sujata Kabraji demystifies this process for us and walks us through the formalities involved in completing due diligence and ensuring a smooth audit process for financial advisors. She takes us through the various sections involved and breaks them down to a level where it does not appear like a regulatory demon staring us in the face. Infact, according to her, this process helps in improving efficiency of the business. Want to know how? Read on
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