Network FP strives hard to deliver the best possible learnings and education to its members, delegates and students. And in turn we do get to hear some kind words for our efforts and commitments. Thank you.
Don’t only subscribe but take advantage of all services to enchance your knowledge multifold
I am glad that I subscribed for Network FP in the first year of practice. I will highly recommend all IFA’s to not only subscribe to it but also take advantage of all the service which enhances your knowledge multifold.
These are top three of my take away from my experience.
1. Annual conference is so amazing. I got an opportunity of networking and making like minded friends through the annual conference.
2. People who preach are people who practice. It gives so much pleasure to learn from the best practicing IFA’s.
3. A discipline of weekly session is very nice, Learning should never stop.
4. The whatsapp group is the cherry on the top.
Arpan Arora
Upskill sessions and Toolbox are very helpful in taking care
Upskill sessions and Toolbox are very helpful in taking care of many problems faced on day to day basis. It also makes you aware of various best practices followed by highly successful Financial planners.
Pramod Bajaj, Delhi
Power packed sessions by industry thought leaders in annual conference
Power packed sessions by industry thought leaders in annual conference show us the future path and tech exhibitors give us the desired tools for daily practice. Weekly up skill and monthly masterclass keep us on track, focused and polished, what else we could ask for…
Harshit Vishwakarma
Joining NFP has been one of the best decision’s I have made after starting my firm
Network FP has played a very important role in learning new skills and improving processes in my practice. Joining them has been one of the best decision’s I have made after starting my firm. I would highly recommend it to every advisor/personal finance professional.

Aditya Singhania
Network FP is bridge through which I am able to learn what my fellow successful friends are doing pan India
Network FP has done a phenomenal job as I belong to a B-30 city but NFP is bridge through which I am able to learn what my fellow successful friends are doing pan India. How they are improving and growing adopting different things. Sharing & growing is the key take away.

Vishal Avasthi
Great platform for professionals like me, who are interested in improving their skills
Network FP is providing a great platform for professionals like me, who are interested in improving their skills by providing monthly masterclasses and weekly upskills, we get to learn a lot and stay updated with the happenings in the financial market. Also the Toolbox is useful in Clients Goal and Investment related advise.

Dishit Parekh
Saurabh Bansal
I had been associated with NFP almost since its inception, which coincides with our setting up the practice, and have gained tremendously professionally and personally.
Saurabh Bansal
Vikram Sirohia
Knowledge is very required for each and every stream of life. Network FP shows us the path of to enhance our knowledge and keep ourselves updated in every stream.
Vikram Sirohia
Rajesh Minocha
I have been a member of Network FP since the start of my practice in 2016. Has been my first and best decision. Apart from learning, I use Network FP colleagues as a sounding board too for any clarification or suggestion I need as part of my practice.