June 3, 2020
Network FP team is very proactive, professional. It always comes with the bucket of various initiatives
Sadique Neelgund
I am associated with Sadique Sir and Priti well before I started my practice as Financial Advisor…Network FP has helped to gain the confidence to start my own consultancy with lot of support and knowledge. While attending the XLFP session of Network FP…I came in contact with Mr. Vivek Shah Sir and who then later on become my mentor. Saddique sir and his team taken the Network FP to the high level and I think…Network FP is itself a book on management qualities which one should look for to develop own self. Network FP team is very proactive, professional. It always comes with the bucket of various initiatives which will take you to the path of success…I wish Sadique Sir and his team…all the best for their wholehearted efforts reflected at all the times. All the themes of the annual conferences are actually reflected in NFP..( Lead by example , Raising the bar etc)