Network FP Thinktank is an Online Professional Journal by Network FP wherein we share the articles written by top-class financial advisors and industry thought leaders from across India and the world.
Here’s How Investment Risk and Cricket are Similar…

Amit Trivedi
Owner, Karmayog Knowledge Academy
February 14, 2018
Reading Time: 3 minutes Cricket is much loved and celebrated sport in India, anything explained with reference to the game makes for a good read and the understanding is simpler. Author Amit Trivedi Share his views on How Investment Risk and Cricket are Similar
Read MoreWhat is Bitcoin and How does it Work?

Amit Trivedi
Owner, Karmayog Knowledge Academy
November 10, 2017
Reading Time: 4 minutes The buzz around the investment community “Bitcoins”. What is bitcoin? Should I Invest in Bitcoins? Amit Trivedi goes to nuts and bolt of bitcoin and shares his thoughts which will help advisors to understand bitcoins in a more better way and same can be delivered to your clients.
Read MoreHow to Estimate Equity Mutual Fund Returns?

Amit Trivedi
Owner, Karmayog Knowledge Academy
August 29, 2017
Reading Time: 6 minutes Markets all time High… Is this the right time to invest? This is an common question faced by financial advisors. how do you estimate the same? Here is an insightful article written by our colominst Amit Trivedi on How to estimate Equity Mutual Funds Returns with few concepts which could help advisors in managing clients portfolio.
Read MoreEstimation of Debt Fund Returns

Amit Trivedi
Owner, Karmayog Knowledge Academy
June 29, 2017
Reading Time: 5 minutes Is there a better way to estimating the future returns from debt funds? Well, if we understand how the investments work, there is a scientific way to estimation. Read on to article by NFP Thinktank columnist Amit Trivedi share his views on estimating debt fund returns with few easy formula’s which could help you in managing your clients investments.
Read MoreInvestor Expectations – A Risk That Nobody Talks About

Amit Trivedi
Owner, Karmayog Knowledge Academy
June 5, 2017
Reading Time: 4 minutes There are various different types of risk & return expectations by investors. Seth Klarman writes that risk is: “Described by both the probability and the potential amount of loss.” Risk is perceived in the eye of beholder. Amit Trivedi shares his thoughts on Risk & Returns with instances of investor expectations and what advisors should do for it.
Read MoreTime to change our Informative Communications!

Amit Trivedi
Owner, Karmayog Knowledge Academy
April 21, 2017
Reading Time: 4 minutes A lot of information comes to us on Social media, Whats app, Facebook etc. which we share with our clients too, Sometimes, we get half-truths or complete lies. Often, the sender of the information or even the originator of the same does not do so with mala fide intention. It is just that one has not spent enough time to thoroughly go through the same. Lets understand one such information shared in this rising market and demystified by Amit Trivedi.
Read MoreHumans are Pattern-Seeking Animals!

Amit Trivedi
Owner, Karmayog Knowledge Academy
March 27, 2017
Reading Time: 2 minutes ”To understand is to perceive patterns” – Isaiah Berlin
A very common trait in human behavior is we are addicted to analysis everything which results in an abandonment of common sense. Analyzing Human Behavior, instead of accepting it for what it is, often blurs our senses to the obvious and unquestionable facts which are staring us in the face. Read on to Amit Trivedi sharing his view on Patterns
Read MoreCycle is The Destiny

Amit Trivedi
Owner, Karmayog Knowledge Academy
November 18, 2016
Reading Time: 4 minutes Every event – good or bad, manmade or natural; is a part of a cycle, which is destined to happen. If that’s the situation, how does an investor behave and what is the role to be played by the advisor. Read on what Amit Trivedi, a leading Trainer & Author of book “Riding The Roller Coaster – Lessons from financial market cycles we repeatedly forget”, has to say.
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