Network FP Thinktank

Network FP Thinktank is an Online Professional Journal by Network FP wherein we share the articles written by top-class financial advisors and industry thought leaders from across India and the world.

Present Debt Market Scenario in India and The Way Forward

Gautam Kaul
Senior Fund Manager, Fixed Income, IDFC AMC
May 17, 2022

Reading Time: 5 minutes “There are decades where nothing happens; and there are weeks where decades happen”—Vladimir Ilyich Lenin We are quite sure that Lenin was thinking of things more seminal and not the present debt market scenario when he penned the above-quoted phrase, however, it does feel appropriate in our limited context as well.  The road ahead from […]

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Investing in Debt Schemes with JSPL Exposure, Boon or Bane?

Sunil Jhaveri
Founder - MSJ MisterBond Pvt Ltd An Advisor 2 Advisor - B2B Platform
August 22, 2016

Reading Time: 7 minutes Sunil Jhaveri (MisterBond) is a Chartered Accountant with 30 years of experience in the finance markets. He together with his wife Monica Jhaveri set up MSJ Capital & Corporate Services Pvt Ltd in the year 1994 – Mutual Fund advisory practice for Institutional clients. His comments on issues related to Mutual Funds are widely published in Economic Times, Business Standard, Financial Express and many such business papers. In his new avatar, he dons many hats for the Mutual Fund Industry : A Coach, an Author & an Advisor.

Sunil shares his deep insights on debt markets that he has achieved through the years of experience he carries. So should an advisor look at the JSPL exposure as boon or bane? In Sunil’s words, adversity can be turned to opportunity simply by adjusting our perception and our attitude. Read on to find out how…

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