Bhuvanaa Shreeram
Certified Financial Planner, Plan2Prosper
April 26, 2019
Reading Time: 2 minutes We often forget that regardless of how good we are at our craft, we cannot make a living out of it till we have a market for it. We might not always have a ready market for it and may have to create one.
In this Article, Bhuvana Shreeram talks about her journey of acquiring clients and shares tips on how with some simple ways we can all attract constant better client prospects!
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Bhuvanaa Shreeram
Certified Financial Planner, Plan2Prosper
August 18, 2017
Reading Time: 5 minutes If you hate your business, you can afford to hate Sales! Sales usually don’t get the importance it deserves. Read on for an interesting perspective from a seasoned professional Bhuvana Shreeram on how to distribute 60% of your time in prospecting for clients.
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Bhuvanaa Shreeram
Certified Financial Planner, Plan2Prosper
March 19, 2014
Reading Time: 3 minutes Different clients need different levels of service, customization and expertise. So how do financial planners and other financial advisors monetize client centricity and offervaried levels of service?
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Bhuvanaa Shreeram
Certified Financial Planner, Plan2Prosper
January 14, 2014
Reading Time: 4 minutes Clients with various levels of assets and fee paying capabilities have to be served. Their needs and expectations differ as they move ahead in their careers and financial life. Solution – segment them and give them a multi layered service offering. On the other hand, there are planners who are just graduating from college full of technical skills and energy but lacking in relational skills. This article talks about mapping client segments to planner career levels.
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