Network FP Thinktank is an Online Professional Journal by Network FP wherein we share the articles written by top-class financial advisors and industry thought leaders from across India and the world.
How to Estimate Equity Mutual Fund Returns?

Amit Trivedi
Owner, Karmayog Knowledge Academy
August 29, 2017
Reading Time: 6 minutes Markets all time High… Is this the right time to invest? This is an common question faced by financial advisors. how do you estimate the same? Here is an insightful article written by our colominst Amit Trivedi on How to estimate Equity Mutual Funds Returns with few concepts which could help advisors in managing clients portfolio.
Read MoreHow to distribute 60% of your time in prospecting for clients?

Bhuvanaa Shreeram
Certified Financial Planner, Plan2Prosper
August 18, 2017
Reading Time: 5 minutes If you hate your business, you can afford to hate Sales! Sales usually don’t get the importance it deserves. Read on for an interesting perspective from a seasoned professional Bhuvana Shreeram on how to distribute 60% of your time in prospecting for clients.
Read More3 Ways GST will Impact on Financial Advisors
Sadique Neelgund
July 28, 2017
Reading Time: 4 minutes Arvind Rao is a founder of Arvind Rao & Associates. He is a Certified Financial Planner & a Chartered Accountant based out of Mumbai. Arvind’s firm specializes in Tax management, Total Financial Management & Corporate Trainings.Change is not pleasant, but change is constant. One such change which came to us was GST. Arvind Rao shares his thoughts and gives us clarity on how GST is going to impact financial advisors / mutual fund distributors and what has to be done for it.
Read More8 Tenets of Financial Life Planning
Sadique Neelgund
July 21, 2017
Reading Time: 3 minutes Tejal Gandhi has been using money quotient and it has helped her immensely in doing a holistic job of life planning. In keeping with the theme of ThinkTank which is “Ideas you can implement” we carry a preview from money quotient with feedback from a user this week by Ms. Tejal Gandhi, CEO & Founder, Money Matters is one of the Licensees of Money Quotient tools in India.
Read MoreHow to handle Legacy Holdings of Client Portfolios?
Sadique Neelgund
July 13, 2017
Reading Time: 3 minutes Dealing with customer behavior is perhaps what makes us humans very different from Robo-advisors. The biases mentioned here are sure to ring a bell and remind you of a situation. Read on to know more emotional phenomenon to investments and financial planning by Joydeep Sen, Managing Partner, Sen & Apte Consulting Services LLP.
Read MoreEstimation of Debt Fund Returns

Amit Trivedi
Owner, Karmayog Knowledge Academy
June 29, 2017
Reading Time: 5 minutes Is there a better way to estimating the future returns from debt funds? Well, if we understand how the investments work, there is a scientific way to estimation. Read on to article by NFP Thinktank columnist Amit Trivedi share his views on estimating debt fund returns with few easy formula’s which could help you in managing your clients investments.
Read MoreMarkets And Performance Cycles Invariably… Do Valuations Matters At All?
Sadique Neelgund
June 27, 2017
Reading Time: 6 minutes When equity market is at this valuations, perennial question most of the advisor has is to invest or not to invest. Mr. Madhusudan is Head of Product Strategy at Principal PNB AMC Pvt Ltd shares his thoughts as to what he thinks about this situation. The insight prompts fiduciaries and financial advisors to exhibit prudence in the factoring higher current valuations in the overall exposure to equities and especially mid-cap stocks in client portfolios and implications for investors – The Winning Trifecta!!
Read MoreSummary of SEBI Consultation Paper to RIA Regulations – June 22
Sadique Neelgund
June 23, 2017
Reading Time: 10 minutes SEBI released yet another consultation paper on proposed amendments to RIA Regulations (The Paper is published below after these highlights) . SEBI for sure now wants both RIAs and MFDs to exist in the market and serve different kinds of investors. But want clear segregation between both. Below are some of the highlights from the paper for your quick understanding.
Read MorePortfolio Review and Health Check-Ups: Similar Check-points
Sadique Neelgund
June 13, 2017
Reading Time: 4 minutes Do you really need to review your clients Portfolio? We all review plans at pre-designed intervals. It is something which is so intrinsic to our practice that one does not go into the whys and whens of this process? Joydeep Sen, Managing Partner, Sen & Apte Consulting Services LLP gives an interesting analogy between health check ups and portfolio reviews and some suggested best practices for client hand-holding.
Read MoreInvestor Expectations – A Risk That Nobody Talks About

Amit Trivedi
Owner, Karmayog Knowledge Academy
June 5, 2017
Reading Time: 4 minutes There are various different types of risk & return expectations by investors. Seth Klarman writes that risk is: “Described by both the probability and the potential amount of loss.” Risk is perceived in the eye of beholder. Amit Trivedi shares his thoughts on Risk & Returns with instances of investor expectations and what advisors should do for it.
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