Network FP Thinktank is an Online Professional Journal by Network FP wherein we share the articles written by top-class financial advisors and industry thought leaders from across India and the world.
$ The Dollar Dream – Does it make sense to invest in Dollars?

D V Suresh
Certified Financial Planner
May 29, 2017
Reading Time: 5 minutes Rupee is weak against a US dollar and holding money or investment in Dollar terms fetches more is a thought we hear day in day out. So digging out deeper to understand if it really makes sense to hold on to Dollar investments. He shares his thoughts on how NRI’s can benefit if they invest in India with proper guidance of financial advisors and repatriate the investment proceeds and still make decent returns. We feel Indian currency to be weak and do not value holding it. But what if i say that Indian rupee is more valuable than the dollar. Cant believe it right! Read this knowledgable article by DV Suresh, where he makes a case with proper illustrations & the history of Rupee Devaluation against US dollars.
Read MoreWhy IFAs should read books? Suggested Books for IFAs

Brijesh Dalmia
Founder, Dalmia Advisory Services Pvt Ltd
May 22, 2017
Reading Time: 2 minutes Have you always wanted a ready list of books to get started on to help you grow your business? Reading does to mind what exercise does to your body. Brijesh Dalmia shares his thoughts on being an effective reader and how it helps IFAs. Brijesh Dalmia has compiled a small list to get you started, do add your own choices in the comments.
Read MoreDirect Plans are Good for Intermediaries

Renu Maheshwari
SEBI Registered Investment Adviser
May 15, 2017
Reading Time: 5 minutes Lot has been spoken about how the ‘direct plans’ are better for investors and a lot has been discussed how these plans will devour a flourishing industry (though a small one) of IFAs. If they are good for investors, how can they not be good for advisors? This small article will focus on that – How Direct Plans Are Good For The Intermediaries…At least in this battle between David (Direct) vs Goliath ( Regular) there in no one winner. Let’s read the perspective shared by Renu Maheshwari sharing her point of view in this article.
Read More9 Elements Of Your Online Presence!
Sadique Neelgund
May 11, 2017
Reading Time: 2 minutes We have numerous examples of people amongst us who have used social media effectively to reap rich dividends. It is also true that many of us shy away from using it consistently, putting it off to another day thereby missing a valuable opportunity. We asked Viral Bhatt who follows social media actively and has used it effectively to build brand recall (Followers on FB- 2183 & Twitter-742) to pen down what goes into the making of an effective strategy for Financial advisors.
Read MoreHow I Grew My Sales By Over 100 Times By Asking Crazy Questions?

Yogesh Chabria
Founder, The Happionaire®
May 2, 2017
Reading Time: 4 minutes Have you ever asked yourself a crazy question? How did it feel? What happened to you when you asked yourself a crazy question? Did it make you think better? Did it exercise your mental muscles? Or did you stop because of people around you? Read on to know more, experience of Yogesh Chabria by asking craziest questions actually helped in increasing sales to unbelievable levels.
Read MoreThe Basics of Alternative Investment Funds!
Sadique Neelgund
April 25, 2017
Reading Time: 4 minutes We have always tried to make sense of Alternative Investments and wished that someone would simplify it for our ready consumption. Who better than Aditya Gadge to explain the basics & difference between AIF’s and Mutual Funds, look out for part 2 soon.
Read MoreTime to change our Informative Communications!

Amit Trivedi
Owner, Karmayog Knowledge Academy
April 21, 2017
Reading Time: 4 minutes A lot of information comes to us on Social media, Whats app, Facebook etc. which we share with our clients too, Sometimes, we get half-truths or complete lies. Often, the sender of the information or even the originator of the same does not do so with mala fide intention. It is just that one has not spent enough time to thoroughly go through the same. Lets understand one such information shared in this rising market and demystified by Amit Trivedi.
Read MoreCreating Content? Never Run Out of Ideas…
Sadique Neelgund
April 10, 2017
Reading Time: 3 minutes Who would dispute the reach and hence the importance of digital media has come up. We all are looking to write good content and curate relevant ones. How exactly does one go about doing this? This mind map by Yogin Sabnis will be a ready reckoner for all your content needs!
Read MoreAnnual Health Retreat… Jindal is an option you will love!
Sadique Neelgund
April 3, 2017
Reading Time: 7 minutes Those of us who are in business/profession, April is a time when we look back to review previous year’s performance and set some goals for the upcoming year. For many in our industry – January, February & March also happens to be busiest period of the year. Before you once again start running and chasing your life and career goals, you might want to consider going for a good health retreat to reward yourself for all the hard work and re-energize yourself for the coming year. Last year, I tried the world famous Jindal Naturecure Institute in Bangalore. I liked it so much that I repeated it this year also. Read on to know more about my experience at Jindal Naturecure Institute in Bangalore.
Read MoreHumans are Pattern-Seeking Animals!

Amit Trivedi
Owner, Karmayog Knowledge Academy
March 27, 2017
Reading Time: 2 minutes ”To understand is to perceive patterns” – Isaiah Berlin
A very common trait in human behavior is we are addicted to analysis everything which results in an abandonment of common sense. Analyzing Human Behavior, instead of accepting it for what it is, often blurs our senses to the obvious and unquestionable facts which are staring us in the face. Read on to Amit Trivedi sharing his view on Patterns
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