Network FP Thinktank is an Online Professional Journal by Network FP wherein we share the articles written by top-class financial advisors and industry thought leaders from across India and the world.
Advisory and Distribution can Co-exist under One Roof
Sadique Neelgund
July 1, 2019
Reading Time: 2 minutes This short note is to help financial advisors appreciate the importance of why advisory and execution/distribution should and can co-exist under one roof. And how to make it work by addressing the ‘conflict of interest’ issue.
And encourage financial advisors to share the note with their respective associations, other influencers and even to regulator. Its time to take a proactive approach in solving the regulatory bottleneck / deadlock over the investment advisory regulations which is affecting majority of the MFDs & RIAs impending the growth of profession.
Solution to the Skill Problem in Financial Advisory Domain

Suresh Sadagopan
CEO, Ladder7 Wealth Planners Pvt. Ltd.
June 25, 2019
Reading Time: 5 minutes Any business needs resources to run. While physical and financial resources are equally important, none of these really matter without human resources. People practicing their occupation, doing their jobs and getting work done is the base of any company. In our field there are often talks of limited employment opportunities. This week Mr. Suresh Sadagopan shares a different view with us-which is that this superficial deficiency of opportunities is actually a skill gap between employable candidature requirements and educational learnings. The practical skills that make a potential advisor employable is currently the problem area. Read on to understand his solution strategy for this.
Read MoreMy Journey of Fee Only Practice

Renu Maheshwari
SEBI Registered Investment Adviser
June 13, 2019
Reading Time: 4 minutes Success stories are always inspiring. People who tread down unknown paths always leave a trail behind to inspire and guide the others in their own journeys. Our field is no different. In this article, Renu Maheshwari, the first woman RIA and the first RIA to have registered from the State of Tamil Nadu shares her experience of starting, nurturing and flourishing in a Fee Only business model.
Read More4 Ways to Deal with Direct Plans
Sadique Neelgund
Reading Time: 2 minutes Recently, AMFI started a new campaign (Advertisement) under the Mutual Fund Sahi Hai campaign making investors aware of Direct Plans and saving on commissions given out to distributors while investing through direct plans. In this Article by Sadique Neelgund he has shared a few strategies financial advisors can adopt to overcome this challenge. Read more to find out.
Read MoreAnd Yudhisthir lost the game of dice…

Amit Trivedi
Owner, Karmayog Knowledge Academy
June 4, 2019
Reading Time: 4 minutes We often get too technical in our own learning and understanding of financial concepts, client behaviour and professional practice and this causes us to lose focus and efficiency. Sometimes a shift in perception is all that is required. In this article , Mr. Amit Trivedi will share some mythological wisdom that connects effortlessly with our field, our practice, clients, challenges and solutions. A shift from the regular articles that we publish.
Read MoreFirst set your expectations right, client comes later!

Milind Kohmaria
Corporate Trainer and Consultant
May 24, 2019
Reading Time: 4 minutes Carl Richards, investor behavior analysis enthusiast, and acclaimed author, on his trip to India in 2017 expressed, “The only truth that we know about financial planning is that all our financial plans are wrong. A financial plan is like a business plan.” Does this make you question your work and professional aspirations? Does it make you question what should be expected out of a financial plan? It’s easy to find these answers from some basic realignment of our focus and how we perceive the planning exercise.
Read MoreHow critical is critical illness cover for your clients?

Mohini Mahadevia
Founder at SOLUFIN
May 21, 2019
Reading Time: 4 minutes As advisors, we are expected to know all about various options available to our clients, be it strategies or financial products. While it is humanly impossible to literally know-it-all, it is definitely possible to keep up with the changes and new developments and keep oneself abreast of various features of financial products. This article, we shed some light on the “Critical Illness Policy” to enable you to be in a position to advise your clients about whether or not to buy this product.
Read MoreThe Communication Checklist: Your key to winning over clients!

Kalpesh Ashar
Founder, Full Circle Financial Planners & Advisors
May 16, 2019
Reading Time: 3 minutes “Love at first sight”, “the first impression is the last impression”…. why is there so much importance given to the first interaction? The reason is that it forms a base for how the other person perceives us, how we communicate with them in direct and indirect ways what we know, what we want, what we can offer and who exactly we are. Kalpesh Asher shares with us a concise but powerful checklist of dos and don’ts for us to keep a regular check on our communication skills. So, go ahead, take a print, and put this up next to your to-do list and see the results yourself.
Read MoreSocial Media: The Business Strategy Need of the Hour

Viral Bhatt
Founder, Money Mantra
May 7, 2019
Reading Time: 4 minutes We live in a digital age where every day, more and more things are going “online”. One may debate about the influence of social media on all aspects of our life today but one certainly can’t deny it. The financial advisory business too is one that has already begun to feel the need for using modern digital-age tools for reaching out to a wider potential clientele and sustain the practice in a fiercely competitive field. Mr. Viral Bhatt who uses his social media extensively in his own practice shares some much-needed insights about “Why” and “How” to use social media effectively for expanding your Business.
Read MoreWhat is the best way to have the, Retail Segment Invest with you?

Sharan Patil
Entrepreneur,Investor & Educator
May 3, 2019
Reading Time: 2 minutes If someone asks us, “who is the ‘ideal’ client for you?”, majority of us will instinctively say a client who falls in the high income or HNI category. The blue chips of our client base. While this rationale is not illogical, it often leads us to overlook the entire middle class, growing income group of clients. In this article, Sharan Patil shares his insights on how to target this segment and make them the brand ambassadors of your Business.
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